Ferryville Farmer's Market will be open Saturdays only -- May 17 – October 11, 2025
Hours: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
We encourage vendors to have local grown produce and handmade products. All home-canned products must be labeled using USDA guidelines. The label must include the date produced, name of product, ingredients, vendor name and address, not produced in a commercial kitchen (say homemade), allergy information, etc.
Vendors shall respect other vendor’s space, business and setup. Vendor shall not interfere with other vendor sales.
Vendors shall not consume alcohol on market premises during market hours.
Claims of product benefits must be factual and provable. If there is a question about validity of a product when a vendor does not have their own liability insurance, product claims may require consultation with Village Insurance Carrier under Excess Coverage Limits.
Vendor sites are approximately 10’ frontage x 25’ deep. Season Pass Holders have assigned sites. Other vendors need to register with Ferryville Farmers Market Manager for available sites.
Set up will be 6 ft. back from the edge of the roadway or gravel.
Cost $10.00 per lot per day or $75 per lot per season.
Limited electric hook ups are available for an additional fee of $3.00 per day
One exception: Ferryville Fall Fest, Saturday, Sept. 20th. The vendor’s fee is $25.00 for weekly vendors and $20 for vendors with a season pass. This is to help cover the extra advertising promotion and operating expenses for the Ferryville Fall Fest.
Vendor Appreciation Free Saturdays will be May 17, June 7 and October 11 ($3 electrical fee still charged if used).
Food being prepared and consumed for sale and on the Ferryville Farmers Market premises requires appropriate state license and certificate of liability insurance furnished to the Village of Ferryville, PO Box 236, Ferryville, WI 54628 in advance.
No firearms, fireworks or alcohol will be sold.
No pets in the market area.
Vendors must leave their sites with “nothing left behind”. If by chance a vendor would like to leave a small amount of garbage, only one closed plastic bag left by garbage receptacle will be allowed.
The Ferryville Farmers Market and the Village of Ferryville does not provide any liability insurance coverage for vendors or for products sold by vendors. Vendors agree to assume full liability for any loss, injury or for property loss owned by vendors participating in “Ferryville Farmers Market”.
Contact Information:
Janelle Anderson - janelleanderson79@yahoo.com - Tel: 715-216-1411